Have you ever had a day whose hours seemed to stretch and stretch…until your “fuel tank” was running empty? It’s been one of those days – and weeks – for me. Our oldest daughter Heather (married, with kids) woke up yesterday morning with a fever and sore throat. My husband Ray started coughing today, and I am not feeling too whoopy myself with a headache and slight fever.
Today I interviewed one of the contributor writers for my new ebook, and one of the guests in the chat room wasn’t able to hear the sound, although everyone else could (she had never used Talkshoe before and didn’t know how to use it, even though I was trying to tell her how) – and I felt so bad for her! (The interview with Stephanie Buckwalter went great, though! You can listen to it here, with the interviews of the other contributor writers under “Past Episodes.”)
It’s days like these when we just need to lay our heads down in Jesus’ lap like John the Beloved disicple did. To rest. To be renewed and restored.
Just you and God. His hand upon you. You hearing His heartbeat of love for you. His strength pouring into your tired, weary body. His voice soothing your anxieties and your stress. His Spirit calming you like still waters (Psalm 23).
Take some time today to rest. Create a sacred space for God and your writing. To be still and quiet before God. To hear His voice. To write down what He’s speaking to you. Rest, child, rest. Bring your weariness, your troubles to Me, and I”ll take care of them. Set aside your urgent to-do list, and just be in My presence. Let me fill you again.
“Come with Me to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:30-31)