The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes Copyright 2015
I’m so happy and excited to announce that my new eBook, The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes, is now live at Amazon!
My graphic designer, Christine Dupre, did a beautiful job with the cover and my editor/formatter Hanne Moon did an amazing job and helped me to get it uploaded on Kindle Direct Publishing at Amazon. (This is an option for you as a writer!)
You can get the eBook for your Kindle for just $2.99 by clicking here. I plan to eventually get it in print.
The first day, it was an Amazon Best Seller in its category and sub-category!
I’d love to know what you think of it. Please leave a review at Amazon.
Me speaking at The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes women’s conference, Overland Park, KS
I haven’t been here for awhile. Just life happenings.
This year I did what I believe God wanted me to accomplish:
Just Write! No Excuses Summer Virtual Bootcamp for aspiring authors. A 4 week virtual training in the summertime. Nineteen students signed up. They loved the support, prayers and accountability in the Facebook private group and sharing their writing on the live calls each week. I’m thinking of having this bootcamp quarterly each year since it was such a success. I can’t wait to read their books after they write them! This bootcamp was for beginning non-fiction and fiction writers. I loved reading what they were working on and seeing them connect and get to know each other better, encouraging each other, in the Facebook group.
The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes women’s conference. When I flew to Manitoba, Canada to speak at my friend Doreen Penner’s women’s retreat, I shared about the story of Cinderella and her glass slippers – walking in your unique shoes. This is now my signature talk. This year I hosted my own women’s conference in Overland Park, KS doing this speaking presentation. Fifteen women in all, and God’s presence was there. It was so much fun. It’s the first time I’ve had vendors at an event (Origami Owl, Thirty-One Gifts, and an authors’ book table) The DoubleTree Hotel in Overland Park was a beautiful venue and I plan to have more events there in the future. Their staff was wonderful and the lunch they served us was delicious. Ray saw some cute shoe chocolate and vanilla cupcakes online and our daughter Heather ordered them at HyVee -yummy. The women were blessed and encouraged.
The Advanced Writing Camp. This 4 week virtual training in October was the follow-up to the Just Write! No Excuses Virtual Bootcamp. My job was to motivate the writers to FINISH their book, conquering the 3 P’s that hinder or stop writers from writing or finishing their book: perfectionism, procrastination, and other pitfalls (distractions, social media, entertainment, busyness, writers’ block, writer’s envy, etc.) I may also offer this training every other quarter in 2015.
Wrote and self-published my book Promises In The Dark: One Woman’s Search for Authentic Love. The world promises you so many things, but leaves you empty. Sex. Success. Money. Alcohol. Drugs. Education. Entertainment. Being the best spouse or parent. You’ve tried many different things that the world offers and promises to give you happiness, but they’ve left you unsatisfied. always searching, never finding what you’re looking for. But there is One whose promises you can count on and who will fulfill you: God. His promises are for real and forever. Click here to learn more and buy the book. Get Christmas shopping done early; give the gift of my book to your family and friends. It will bless them!
I’m now taking Doreen Penner’s 3 week coaching group, Finding the Real You, to reveal and release what God has placed inside you to do and to step into your potential. It’s about discovering your brilliance, what makes you unique and have to offer the world. I’m excited about being part of it.
Speaker/Author/Coach Doreen Penner
Our first call was last night and I was taking lots of notes. Doreen is an anointed speaker, and she always makes you think with her questions. She is a “heart-interpreter,” able to sense and draw out what is in your heart. She also happens to be my prayer and accountability partner each week – I just love her. It’s not too late to sign up. Last night’s call was recorded, so you’ll get it in an email. Just click here.
Yesterday I sent in a chapter for a new book writing project, in which I’m a contributing author. I’m waiting to hear back from the editor. I can’t wait to tell you more about it!
Other than that, I’m now in a season of rest. Just being still and listening to God, and allowing Him to refill and refresh me and to tell me the next step.
Woman writing in field with mountains
What are you working on now in your writing? Leave your comments below.