What is your big dream? What is holding you back or stopping you from achieving it?
My newest eBook, The Cinderella Story: The Power of Dreams, is now at Amazon for the Kindle. It is about pursuing the dreams that are in your heart, and walking in your own unique “glass slippers”–your unique purpose and calling from God.
I also wrote this eBook with a unique twist: approaching this beloved fairy tale from the angle of walking in the other characters’ “shoes”: the wicked stepmother’s, the jealous stepsisters’, the fairy godmother’s.
Perspective changes everything.
It already has five, 5-star reviews and made Amazon Best Seller status in its category and sub-categories. I think it will bless and encourage you. You can find out more or buy it by clicking here for just 99 cents!
Beth Jones International Speaker Amazon Best Seller Author
This isn’t my main website, and I forget to update my blog here sometimes. So I’ve had other things happening since the last time I blogged here. For starters, I wrote and finished my first FICTION book! Woot! My husband Ray and our daughter Leah are avid fiction book fans and sci fi geeks.
Ray has been encouraging me for years to write a fiction book. I had every excuse you could think of, the main one being I don’t usually read fiction and I’d never written fiction before so I didn’t know how to write it. He said writers of classics like Ernest Hemingway or Jane Austen didn’t take fiction writing classes, either; just sit down and write it.
Hemingway said this is how you overcome writer’s block: “I would stand and look out over the roofs of Paris and think, “Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” So finally I would write one true sentence, and then go on from there.”
So I did write the fiction book–and the response to it surprised me. I have 5-star reviews at Amazon and it became an Amazon Best Seller in its category and sub-category! The book is called Storm Tossed and you can buy ithere.
The other things I’ve done since I last blogged here are to upload the rest of the books I’ve written to KDP. It’s been a goal of mine for two years to get all 10 of the books I’ve written on Amazon for the Kindle. This weekend I accomplished that! You can find all my books I’ve written on my Amazon Author Page here.
The most recent one is my book on prayer and spiritual warfare–8 women’s true, inspiring stories of how they overcame their greatest spiritual battles in their own “War Room” of prayer through faith in Christ and standing on God’s eternal word.
The Cheesecake Factory cheesecake
Now what? I celebrate this dream and huge goal! This week I’m going out with my husband Ray for a nice dinner to celebrate. I’m thinking The Cheesecake Factory at The Plaza in Kansas City, MO! Yum!
Whatever dreams and goals you’ve accomplished, even if it’s a small goal, celebrate it. It’s important to acknowledge what you’ve done. Then set some new dreams and goals, and go kick butt! With God’s help you can do it.
The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes Copyright 2015
I’m so happy and excited to announce that my new eBook, The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes, is now live at Amazon!
My graphic designer, Christine Dupre, did a beautiful job with the cover and my editor/formatter Hanne Moon did an amazing job and helped me to get it uploaded on Kindle Direct Publishing at Amazon. (This is an option for you as a writer!)
You can get the eBook for your Kindle for just $2.99 by clicking here. I plan to eventually get it in print.
The first day, it was an Amazon Best Seller in its category and sub-category!
I’d love to know what you think of it. Please leave a review at Amazon.