How were your holidays? We had all our kids and grandkids over, and they enjoyed Ray’s traditional sweet, holiday ham – enjoyed it so much that there were no leftovers! 🙂 Today is the start of 2011, and if you’re like me, you’re ready to put the old year behind and start fresh.
Resolutions always leave me feeling like a failure (by about the 2nd week of January!), so I’ve decided to do a “theme” word instead and concrete goals where I can take steps of action to accomplish them. I got the idea of a “one word theme” from K-Love Radio Station here.
The one word can be a character trait you want to work on, or something you want to focus on this year. You pray and ask God to speak to you His “one word” for you this year.
Radio listeners’ comments about their theme included words like “dream,” “destiny,” “more of God,” and “forgiveness.” That one word will stick with you all year long, and will keep you motivated. And one word from God can change your life!
What would your one word be? Leave your comments below.