Freelance writing jobs


I’m enjoying this morning drinking my coffee and surfing online. I don’t drink coffee that often, but today I made some, and of course added lots of creamer. As I shared on Twitter, it’s not Starbucks but still good!

Today I found a resource for freelance writing jobs. I haven’t applied for any of these jobs yet, but I found the Christian Work At Home Moms site on Twitter, and I saw these and thought I’d pass them onto you. Let me know if any work out for you! 

One dream I have in my heart is to someday be a travel writer (traveling + writing + chocolate + coke classic = nothing better!), so I’m going to start researching this online how to get started. Wouldn’t it be heavenly to be paid to travel and write?

What is your writing dream? Leave your comments below.

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Pix-O-Sphere: free resource of pics for your blog

Dancin Shoes by mommaknows, on Pix-O-Sphere

One of my loves is pretty shoes like the ones pictured here. And another is finding resources online to help my writing and speaking business which are free or low-cost.

This year I found a treasure of a website, Pix-O-Sphere, which is a family-friendly photo community. They allow you to share your own and others’ pictures. You can also sell your own pictures if you upgrade to the paid membership.

It’s a great place to get free pics for your blog or website, and to network and make new friends!  You can also show off your photography skills.

To use someone’s picture for your blog from Pix-O-Sphere, it’s a courtesy to first add him or her as a friend and then copy their pic to your private album. That way if they leave Pix-O-Sphere, you will have your own copy. Then you simply copy the html and paste it in your WordPress blog (using the html feature).

The site has tutorials to help you, and the owners, Scott and Lisa, are great if you have any questions.

I just joined Pix-O-Sphere, but I’m already lovin’ it. It’s a resource that I wanted to share with you, because Istock and other photo communities can add up to be expensive if you like to use lots of pics at your blog and you’re on a shoestring budget, just starting out in business.

Beth Jones
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The Power Of Your Purpose telecall

Beth Jones

I am so excited because this week I’m having my very first teleseminar, The Power Of Your Purpose. You and I have an incredible purpose from God, beyond what we can even imagine. We also have a very real enemy, Satan, who wants to destroy that calling.

As writers and speakers, coaches, entrepreneurs, we know that God has given us a message to share with others to help them. Learn on this call some practical steps for living out your purpose victoriously through Christ.

The teleseminar is free, and the replay will be available for 48 hours after I email it. You also receive a complimentary gift for attending.

Sign up for the teleseminar here today.

Are you a Twitter lover? Use the hashtage #pwrpurpose to share about this teleseminar and invite others to it with this link.

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