The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes Copyright 2015
I’m so excited because my newest eBook, The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes, is about to go LIVE on Amazon! Woot!
This eBook is based on the fairy tale of Cinderella with a unique twist, which is the topic of my signature talk. You weren’t meant to fit in with others in the crowd. God didn’t design you for mediocrity, but He chose you to stand apart as a woman of influence and impact.
God created you to walk in your own unique “glass slippers” – your great purpose and destiny.
My amazing graphic designer, Christine Dupre, created the beautiful cover for the eBook. She made two and I took a vote on my Facebook page to see which one my “peeps” liked better. I loved both and the response was so good, that I’m going to use the other cover for my next eBook in this series called The Cinderella Story: The Power of Dreams. This is the other cover:
The Cinderella Story Copyright 2015
Christine just has to change the word “Shoes” in the title to “Dreams.”
My incredible editor/formatter, Hanne Moon withHeritage Press Publications,just received the efile ofThe Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes from the converter and is uploading it to KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing at Amazon). It will go live soon, probably this weekend, just in time for Passover and Easter (I think that is significant! God wants to bring us out of captivity into the Promises Land~ the new shoes [our purpose and great destiny] He has for us!)
I can’t wait to share it with you when it’s ready! Doing the happy dance here!
I’ve been working on a new book since last year, Promises In The Dark. The book is about God’s promises versus the world’s promises. Had major writing resistance to this one, because I’m sharing much of my painful past. But it’s getting closer to the time of “the baby’s birth.”
I bought my cover photo at Istock. The photo is pictured at left. I buy almost all my pics for my books, ebooks, and blog posts at Istock. They also offer a free photo, video, and audio each week for you to download. Don’t you just love freebies? 🙂 You can also get pictures for your book at,, and more places online.
My wonderful Graphic Designer!
I’ve been praying to work with a certain graphic designer to design my front cover, back cover, spine, and ebook cover, Christine E. Dupre. I’d seen her covers for other authors and she was highly recommended to me. She’s amazing. She does BEAUTIFUL work!
Recently I hired her and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my cover! I knew she was the right person to do it. You can find Christine on Facebook. She’s also creating an ecover for me so I can have the book in ebook format to upload on Amazon.
Christine is expanding my vocabulary by asking me things like, “What is your spin width?” What the heck is a spin width?! It’s how wide the spine will be. You can calculate your spin width by clicking here.
I’m using Create Space Self Publishing Company as my POD (Print on Demand) company to physically print the book, so that I can “hold my beautiful baby” and when I have speaking engagements, I can sell them on a back table.
I also have to buy an ISBN and barcode atisbn.orgfor my book. You can buy a single ISBN, 10 ISBN’s, or more. The more you buy, the greater the discount. You can also buy a barcode with your ISBN’s. Bowker has several packages available, depending on what you want.
Why do you need an ISBN?
From their website: “Bowker is the official source for ISBNs in the United States. An ISBN uniquely identifies your book, and facilitates the sale of your book to bookstores (physical and digital) and libraries. Using ISBNs allows you to better manage your book’s metadata, and ensure maximum discoverability of your book. Your book is listed inBowker Books in Print®, which is used by all the major search engines and most bookstores and libraries.”
If you want to be a serious writer and professional author, sell your book in bookstores and ebook on Amazon, and have your book found by others, I highly recommend buying an ISBN and barcode.
The ISBN for your book will be different for your ebook. It’s best to buy the package of 10 if you plan to write more than one book (and I do plan to write more!).
My next goals
My next goal/step (hopefully THIS week!) is to buy my ISBN and barcode and to finish writing my book. So far, I have 92 pages, with a goal of at least 100 pages.
Please keep praying for my self-discipline to finish writing this book. My deadline (once again moved) is THIS month, April 2014.
I was recently honored that my recording artist/speaker/minister/author friendNaima Johnston Bushinvited me to join her Facebook group and share about motivation to write your book.
I wanted to give you the tips I shared in the forum this morning:
How many people have you heard say, “I want to write a book” (including yourself)? How many of those people actually write a book? Very few, if any, right?
It’s not because they have nothing to say. I believe everyone has an exciting story inside of him or her, just bursting to come forth! Your story matters!
One way to do that is to write a book. You can write a book about your life story or anything, on any topic you desire.
The book can be fiction or non-fiction. It can be short (a 20-page ebook, which only takes a few weekends to write) or it can be a novel (at least 50,000 words that takes a year to write).
The book can be traditionally published (like with Thomas Nelson Publishers) or self-published, which is a rapidly growing industry that is changing the face of publishing.
Your book can be a printed book (there’s nothing more exciting than holding your “baby” in your own 2 hands!) or a downloadable ebook which people can view on their Kindle Fire, Ipad, smart phone, or laptop.
You have many options to get your important message out there and for your unique voice to be heard. But that will never happen unless you actually WRITE YOUR BOOK!
Naima asked me to share about motivating the people in this forum to write his or her book. I’m honored she invited me to be here and thought it was a great idea, to motivate myself, too! 🙂
How do you get started to write a book? Recently I hosted a webinar on this topic. First, you get a vision for your book.
Ask yourself – and answer – these questions:
*Did God tell you to write this book? What is your motive for writing it? If you want to write a book to get rich and famous, then choose another career! :O There *are* some writers who become rich and famous, but overnight successes are rare. It can take years to build a successful writing career.
*What do you want to write about? The story of your childhood abuse, and how God has used it to minister to many women? Your family’s history? A fiction story about a girl who’s a drug addict and prostitute, who becomes saved and rescues drug addicts? An ebook for event planners?
*Will the book be fiction or non-fiction?
*Will the book be printed or in a downloadable ebook format?
*Who is the book for – your audience?
*Maybe you are a very creative type or extremely busy. Do you want to write the book yourself or have a VA or other assistant write (type) it for you?
Now you can get started. Just start braindumping! JUST WRITE. As Nike says, JUST DO IT!
Write down ideas about your book – thoughts swooping at you like a hawk with sharp eyes. Character names. That intriguing comment you heard at the coffee shop that struck you and you knew you had to use it in your book. Descriptions of the ocean waves, salt smell, and warm sun on your face the summer you were 15. The smell of bacon and coffee in the morning when you had breakfast with your husband. The terrible fight you had with an in-law. An amazing quote. Ideas, like chocolate in your mouth.
Just write and don’t edit it.
Use a journal, cute stationery, Hello Kitty sticky notes, a napkin at a restaurant, the back of a bill’s envelope, anything to just jot down those creative ideas brewing in your mind. Braindump. Yes, dump it all out until you’re empty and spent. Keep pen and paper by your bed, when the ideas suddenly wake you up at 3 a.m. Use your smart phone’s recorder to record your thoughts as you’re running errands or driving somewhere.
You can use bullet points, lists, mind maps. Just keep writing ideas for your book. These will form the skeleton, or framework, of your outline later.