How to create info products with Alyssa Avant’s DIY program

Alyssa Avant's DIY program

As a writer and a speaker, would you like to bring in some more money for your business with an info product, but can’t afford to hire someone to help you create it? Well, you can do it yourself. 😀

Alyssa Avant has a great product that has six modules using videos, audios, how to guides, and checklists, to help you create your info products for your business. It will save you money and teach you how to do it yourself in just a few hours of work.There’s also a bonus webinar replay.

I love Alyssa’s inspiring website, her beautifully created products, and her live webinars and telecalls, and believe you will, too.

Want to get started today? I highly recommend her Do It Yourself (DIY)Info Creation Product Program for only $47. You can learn more by clicking here.*

*This is an affiliate link.

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Join One Thousand Gifts book club

One Thousand Gifts

One of the great things about the online community in social media is that you make some great new friends. Recently on Incourage I found out about a book club using Ann Voskamp’s incredible book, One Thousand Gifts.

Ann is the kind of writer that makes you squint at your own writing and think, “Should I just give up?” Her writing is raw, transparent, deep, is filled with beautiful description, and goes right through you with its sharp truth and intolerance for religious, pat answers – asking and answering the question, “Is God good?”  Even in the hard times?

“Do not disdain the small. The whole of life – even the hard – is made up of the minute parts, and if I miss the infinitesimals, I miss the whole … There is a way to live the big of giving thanks in all things. It is this: to give thanks in this one small thing. The moments add up.”  ~ One Thousand Gifts

The first video for the book club is this Sunday, February 6 at Incourage.  There is still time to join!  Watch the video below and hop on over here to Incourage, where you’ll find out all about it!  Then invite your family and friends!
Video of One Thousand Gifts

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My ebook Walking With God on Kindle for just 99 cents!


Technology is changing rapidly, and it is changing the face of writing and publishing. One hot trend right now is putting your ebooks, special reports, and tip sheets on the Kindle. 

I have been praying about this, and this week made a decision to put my baby, my ebook Walking With God, on the Kindle.

It is now available on the Kindle for the ridiculously low price of 99 cents!

I will not keep it at this rate long, so if you, family, or friends have a Kindle, now is the time to get my ebook at a great price!

You can purchase my Kindle ebook  Walking With God right here.

After the purchase, it’d also really help me out for you to put a favorable customer review on my Amazon page, and rate it (the more stars, the better!) My friend Susan Evans already has an excellent customer review on there. Be sure to tell all your family and friends!

Do you have ebooks, special reports, or other documents you’d like published on the Kindle?

Below is a video by Denise Wakeman showing you how to upload and publish your ebook on the Kindle. It takes Amazon about 24 to 48 hours before it goes live, and  you do not have to have an ISBN number to do it. Easy!

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