Freelance writing jobs


I’m enjoying this morning drinking my coffee and surfing online. I don’t drink coffee that often, but today I made some, and of course added lots of creamer. As I shared on Twitter, it’s not Starbucks but still good!

Today I found a resource for freelance writing jobs. I haven’t applied for any of these jobs yet, but I found the Christian Work At Home Moms site on Twitter, and I saw these and thought I’d pass them onto you. Let me know if any work out for you! 

One dream I have in my heart is to someday be a travel writer (traveling + writing + chocolate + coke classic = nothing better!), so I’m going to start researching this online how to get started. Wouldn’t it be heavenly to be paid to travel and write?

What is your writing dream? Leave your comments below.

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The Power Of Your Purpose telecall

Beth Jones

I am so excited because this week I’m having my very first teleseminar, The Power Of Your Purpose. You and I have an incredible purpose from God, beyond what we can even imagine. We also have a very real enemy, Satan, who wants to destroy that calling.

As writers and speakers, coaches, entrepreneurs, we know that God has given us a message to share with others to help them. Learn on this call some practical steps for living out your purpose victoriously through Christ.

The teleseminar is free, and the replay will be available for 48 hours after I email it. You also receive a complimentary gift for attending.

Sign up for the teleseminar here today.

Are you a Twitter lover? Use the hashtage #pwrpurpose to share about this teleseminar and invite others to it with this link.

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My ebook Walking With God on Kindle for just 99 cents!


Technology is changing rapidly, and it is changing the face of writing and publishing. One hot trend right now is putting your ebooks, special reports, and tip sheets on the Kindle. 

I have been praying about this, and this week made a decision to put my baby, my ebook Walking With God, on the Kindle.

It is now available on the Kindle for the ridiculously low price of 99 cents!

I will not keep it at this rate long, so if you, family, or friends have a Kindle, now is the time to get my ebook at a great price!

You can purchase my Kindle ebook  Walking With God right here.

After the purchase, it’d also really help me out for you to put a favorable customer review on my Amazon page, and rate it (the more stars, the better!) My friend Susan Evans already has an excellent customer review on there. Be sure to tell all your family and friends!

Do you have ebooks, special reports, or other documents you’d like published on the Kindle?

Below is a video by Denise Wakeman showing you how to upload and publish your ebook on the Kindle. It takes Amazon about 24 to 48 hours before it goes live, and  you do not have to have an ISBN number to do it. Easy!

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