I didn’t use to drink or even like coffee
When I first met my husband Ray, I wasn’t a coffee drinker, even though I’d grown up with parents who drank potfuls every day (yes, plural – they were serious about their coffee!). Ray was determined that the woman he loved was going to enjoy a good cup of coffee with him.
He introduced it to me, taking me out early one morning to breakfast at First Watch in Overland Park, Kansas. (I am not a morning person, either!) He said it really helped to put sugar in it. Ahh, yes, this was the key. See, I liked sugar. Then I discovered the joy of creamer in my coffee. Oh no! Now I loved coffee!
Eventually we married after he had converted me. One morning Ray took me to a coffee shop before he had to go to work. Wanting to be a little adventurous, I ordered an espresso – double the caffeine. This was a big mistake. I would not stop talking.
We left the shop, my mouth still moving, one inane thought after another spilling out. As we drove down the road, Ray turned to me, put his finger to his mouth, and said, “Shhh!” No more espressos for me, he said.
I now occasionally drink coffee. I like it strong, with gobs of creamer and sugar in it. I know, some people say that isn’t coffee. Ray likes his black. Ray even likes Turkish coffee.
I tried it once, on our trip to Israel. It was very bitter, but gave me hours of shopping and touring energy — and again I wouldn’t shut up. Then I crashed and took a serious nap. The energy was good while it lasted. But I still very much prefer my really creamy, sweet coffee. 🙂
Sometimes I drink coffee when I write. Not always. Sometimes I drink Coke classic, iced water, or hot herbal tea. But I do love coffee – with LOTS of cream and sugar. Writing with coffee? Heavenly.
Some people believe you can’t go to a coffee shop and really write. What do you think?
The history of coffee – Africa
The history of coffee is quite interesting. The legend goes that a man noticed that his herd of goats in Africa became full of energy and wouldn’t sleep at night after eating certain berries.
He reported this to the abbot of the local monastery, who made a drink out of the berries and found that it kept him alert during evening prayers. (Were his prayers that boring?!) He shared his findings with monks in other monasteries and soon the news began to spread.
Coffee is now grown in many countries, but all coffees can trace their heritage to the trees in the ancient coffee forests on the Ethiopian plateau in Africa.
Heaven’s wine or devil’s brew?
Growing in popularity rapidly in society in the 16th century, it’s been called “the wine of Araby” by Arabian Muslim pilgrims on their way to Mecca, as well as called “Satan’s bitter invention” by clergy in Europe opposing it in the 1600’s.
Starbucks in the 1600’s?
In the 16th century, coffee houses began appearing in cities across the Near East, and became important centers for the exchange of information and for social activities – people drinking coffee and having deep conversations, listening to music, watching performers, playing chess, and keeping up with current news. Sounds a lot like the modern Starbucks, doesn’t it?
You can google coffee’s history and find variations of the story, but there’s an interesting one here.
Coffee is big business today. In 2010 Starbucks’ net income was $217.3 million.
Coffee and writers
Coffee is often associated with famous writers. Here is a post about 25 Famous Thinkers and their daily routines – some include writers and coffee.
Funny quotes about coffee
You can find funny quotes about coffee at the Daily Demitasse.
Whether you like to write, with or without coffee, just write! 🙂
“Behind every successful woman…is a substantial amount of coffee.” ~Stephanie Piro