Hey, come on in, relax, and have a hot, creamy latte’. This little writing nook is to offer you a place to just breathe and unwind, to be encouraged and inspired.
We as busy wives, moms, authors, speakers, and creatives may not have it all together perfectly every day. I don’t pretend to; I’m so very flawed, and that is why I need Jesus.
But the best part of our lives is that we passionately and sincerely love God, love our families, and we love what we do!
We have a message to share. You and I have a unique voice to be women of impact and influence, to make a difference in this short life. We are God’s message in a bottle, fragile clay jars made by God the Potter.
Here you will find random musings that honor Jesus Christ. Let’s share those messages burning in our hearts. Others need to hear your voice. Yes, it matters. It’s time to stop hiding and to shine like the stars on a dark night.
You have something of great value inside of you ~ gifts, talents, and abilities that God put there for His glory. Much untapped potential, like an enormous iceberg laying beneath the surface. I am here to encourage and motivate you to use those gifts to bless God and others, through the spoken and written word and other creative means.
Want to know more about me? I’m an International Speaker and Author, wife to paramedic Ray Jones, and mom of 3 beautiful daughters, Heather, Eden, and Leah. You can find out more about my speaking and books at my main website, www.BethJones.net.
We live in the Kansas City, MO area, in a small rural town (can you say, out in the boonies!). I love Jesus, my family, friends, traveling, chocolate, Mexican food, horses, nature, art, music, reading, Sharpie pens, and Hello Kitty items. My husband Ray calls me an enigma because I love to laugh and cry a lot.
Be sure to sign up on my personal mailing list by clicking here to get encouragement and inspiration and the latest updates here. Just fill in your name and email address, and you’ll receive my free special report, Cuppa’ Muse: 7 Tips Of Inspiration for Writers and Speaker.
Are you an event planner or know someone who needs a speaker? I’d love to speak at your women’s conference or retreat or online event. My media page is here.

You can contact me at elizabethdjones@gmail.com.
Copyright 2010 Beth Jones