“I do not yet know what I carry in my heart, but I trust that it will emerge as I write.”
–Henri Nouwen
Hey, come on in, relax, and have a hot latte’ or your fave cold drink. This place is to encourage writers, speakers, and bloggers with God’s word and to share resources.
Here at A Latte’ and A Writing Room, you’ll find inspiration and motivation for Christian writers and speakers just like you, who desire to take their heart-burning messages to the world to become women of global influence and impact. We are God’s message in a bottle, fragile clay vessels made by the God the Potter for His glory.
“Here I am, Lord, send me.” – Isaiah 6:8
I’ve been writing since I was a child. All I wanted to be when I grew up was to be a mom and a writer. I am the mom of 3 beautiful daughters, Heather, Eden, and Leah. And now I’m the author of 14 books, many of them Amazon Best Sellers, and writing more!

I remember the first time I ever went to a writers’ conference several years ago (CLASS speakers/writers conference). It was in the beautiful Albuquerque, New Mexico mountains, and it was the only time I’d ever met other people who “got” me – writers and speakers. I’d finally met people like me; they actually wanted to get up on a stage in front of a LOT of people and speak, and they loved to write!
I get you, too, friend.
Welcome to my writing nook. I want you to feel like it’s a cozy place, one where you can curl up with a good book (or blog post!), or chat with a friend over coffee, sharing heart to heart.

Let’s connect together here at A Latte’ and A Writing Room. Jump in and share your thoughts. Ask questions. Let’s pray for each other so that we can become all that God has created us to be~ His messengers of truth and life. Your voice, your story and message, matter and the world needs to hear it!
I’d love to hear from you! Be sure to leave your comments and look around. To stay connected and for encouragement, inspiration, and the latest updates, you can sign up for my personal mailing list and get your free gift by clicking here.
Remember that, “Writing is its own reward.” – Henry Miller
You can find the 14 books I’ve written at my Amazon Author Page by clicking here.
To book me as a speaker for your women’s conference or event, visit my main website https://www.BethJones.net.
This is a beautiful site! Love the colors and the design. Can’t wait to check it out more!
Love ya!
Jane, thank you. It’s a new theme I found, and I am still trying to figure out some things like how to get the opt in box up at the top in the right corner, but I’m having a lot of fun with it…now if i can just find time to devote to writing here! lol. Thanks so much for the encouragement. Love you, too!
Nice place here 🙂
Thanks, yours is too, with your poems!