This week I was so excited that I received something in the mail that wasn’t a bill. The UPS truck always makes my day. It was my new books, Writer’s First Aid and More Writers’ First Aid by Kristi Holl (available at Amazon). One of the chapters entitled Why Does It Take So Long? included trivia about the Chinese bamboo tree, which I didn’t know. I wanted to include an excerpt here, to encourage you today. Kristi is talking about writing, but it can apply to any other dream or goal you may have.
“Whenever you feel discouraged about your lack of writing success, consider the Chinese bamboo tree. When you plant this tiny shoot, you can expect no growth for up to four years. Even though you water it faithfully, there are no signs that the tree is growing or maturing or will ever amount to anything. But if you keep tending the Chinese bamboo seedling all during those somewhat discouraging years, you can expect as much as 80 feet of growth in the fifth year! The tree could never support that rapid growth without a deep root system. Those early growing years, when it appears as if nothing much is happening, are rooting and grounding years. It is the same with your writing career.”
If you feel as if nothing is happening, be encouraged, dear friend. God is causing much growth underneath the surface, that you can’t even see, for you to be able to sustain the incredible growth and blessings in your later years! God has wonderful things in store for you, if you will just believe and obey.
“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” -2 Chronicles 15:7
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