Although 2020 was no laughing matter, nor is 2021, some of the memes for this year are funny. So far, for our family, there has been a mixture between the great, fun moments and the “I don’t even want to get out of bed today” ones!
The best thing so far this year (and I’m anticipating God doing more wonderful things!) is that our youngest daughter Leah graduated from college! She earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Graphic Design, and even won 3 awards in Graphic Web Design, History of Visual Communication, and Media Integration. We are SO happy for her and proud of her!
Ray, I, and our granddaughters Annabelle and Violet celebrated lunch out with Leah at Jose Pepper Mexican restaurant, then watched the online graduation at Leah’s apartment on her t.v. (The university only had an online ceremony, due to the virus.) It was a little strange going to a college graduation this way, but I’m so thankful we saw it with Leah (and we cheered loudly for her, clapping, lol!).
Then Ray, I, and Leah went to my daughter Heather’s house, to give Leah a small party with our kids, Heather’s fiance’ Andy and his children, and two of Leah’s friends Moriah and Rachel, with their parents Dan & Liz.
The party’s theme was a crescent moon and stars theme. I found her a blue crescent moon lamp to use as a centerpiece for the table, and bought her red roses to put inside a tumbler, painted blue with stars that Andy and Heather made for her.
Leah laughed and had fun. I plan to blog about the graduation and the party soon.

Congrats, Leah – way to go! Please pray for a great job for Leah in her field, Graphic Design. I can’t wait to see the amazing things God is going to do in her life this year and beyond!

Another thing that has happened this year is God miraculously saving my husband Ray’s and his co-worker Scott’s life when they had a terrible wreck!
They were driving (about 70 mph) in the ambulance on their way to a call, when they went around a curve and lost control of the vehicle. The ambulance is totaled. Although they both are recovering from whiplash, thank God they are alive and had no serious injuries!
I asked Ray what happened during the actual accident. He said he thought he was going to die and called out to Jesus. I asked if his life flashed in front of his eyes while it was happening, and he said yes.
Curious, I asked what specific memories he had. He said the time that he and I went to Sea World in Orlando, Florida, with our daughter Leah (we fed and petted dolphins); our wedding day (where both our daughters from our first marriage, Heather and Eden, were there and in the wedding with us); and when he almost died in a military airplane near-crash (wind sheer knocked the plane on its side as it was landing, but God miraculously protected him and it didn’t crash).
When I asked Ray why he thought he had those particular memories, he said that they were some of his happiest moments in life. (He loved the military, not nearly crashing!)
I truly believe that God and His angels were watching over Ray and Scott. This is why I pray the blood of Jesus over me and my family every day for God’s protection! Tomorrow is not promised and all we have is today. Please pray for both Ray and Scott to be healed completely and speedily of the whiplash.
“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” (Psalm 32:7)
“For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. (Psalm 91:11)
Finally, a new thing that is happening this year is that I’m launching my online teaching portal at Member Vault. I’d never heard of Member Vault before. My business coach, Diane Cunningham Ellis, told me about it, because she has been using it for her products and services. I’m so excited about now offering new mini-trainings there for aspiring authors and speakers!
I am praying these Member Vault trainings will be “your portal to success”! I have been working hard on 3 new products. Stay tuned for more details soon. If you’re not already signed up as a subscriber to my personal mailing list here at, sign up at the top of the page on the right hand side. You’ll be first to hear what is new here.
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