In the garden of Eden, the first woman Eve bought into the lie by Satan that she could be like God. Since then, Satan has been lying to women and men to keep them from fulfilling the great purpose and destiny for which they were created by God – ultimately, to glorify Christ.
What lie did you believe?
There have been three primary lies Satan has used to destroy my life and my calling from God. I share about these lies in my upcoming, new book, Promises In The Dark, due this coming fall 2012. If you are not already on my personal mailing list, be sure to sign up on the right hand side at the top of the page, so you’ll be first to hear about its release.
God’s promises are true and last forever. He is not a man that he should lie. His promises are yes and amen! You can always count on Him!
My book will expose Satan’s lies, but most of all will focus on God’s faithful promises. I’ve been trying different video production software and created a book trailer for Promises In The Dark from ProShow Producer, recommended to me by a friend. I already had the music that accompanies the video trailer below. Future videos won’t have the yellow-orange ProShow Producer banner, but I wanted to know what you think of the trailer.
What are your thoughts on it? What else does it need for the book trailer? Please leave your comments below.
Promises In The Dark trailer
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