Yesterday I went to my beautiful, precious daughter Heather’s house to do a “Back to school” little party. I brought pepperoni and cheese pizzas, chocolate cupcakes, and gifts just to let them know I love them and am thinking about them–and praying for them each day.
I bought silly sunglasses for the kids to wear and take a pic in. It was fun and I felt so happy to see them and be with them.
We all love receiving gifts, don’t we? What about our spiritual gifts that God has given you and me, though? Do we love and esteem them highly?
Do you know what your gifts are? Are we using them for Jesus’ glory and to help and bless others?
My mission is encouraging women to use their gifts for God’s glory, fulfilling their great purpose, and living a life they love. I believe time is short now and we have no time to waste!
Maybe you’re like me and you are so tired of hearing the phrase “the new normal.” While we may be in the middle of a horrible pandemic, violent protests, natural disasters, and more scary things happening, we may feel like all the fun has been ruined by this stupid virus and our lives have stopped. But our Divine purpose has not.
NOTHING AND NO ONE CAN STOP YOUR PURPOSE FROM GOD ~ not a virus, not violence, nothing and no one!
God has put amazing gifts inside of you for a reason. I want to invite you to join me and other Christian believers for 4 weeks on Saturday mornings, delving into these spiritual gifts: specific and unique gifts that God has put inside of you and me, to be used to glorify Jesus, to further God’s Kingdom on earth, and to help others.
We will learn:
- What each of the gifts are and where they’re listed in the Bible;
- The purpose of the gifts;
- How you function in these gifts;
- Ways to cultivate the spiritual gifts. We can either stagnate or grow in our gifts.
The tools for this virtual training:
- The Bible;
- Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit by Lester Sumrall, available for sale on Amazon (not required, but helpful);
- Step Out and Take Your Place: How To Discover and Live Your Everyday Calling by Krista Dunk, available for sale on Amazon (not required, but helpful);
- Other resources on the gifts and your purpose.
- Beth’s and your life experiences with the spiritual gifts.
When you sign up, you’ll get (included):
- This is a virtual (online) training on Zoom, which will last approximately 30 minutes each week. Four sessions with video replays with me, plus a BONUS video training after the class.
- Beautiful printable Scriptures;
- An accompanying study guide, that I’m creating just for you;
- A free physical copy of my book on prayer, Walking With God, mailed to you. If you already have this book or the eBook, you can have another eBook of your choice from my Amazon Author page at
- A personal Zoom session with me to pray with you about your unique gifts and purpose.
Are you ready to move forward and push through this “COVID Crisis” to do what God is calling you to do and be?
Let’s Zoom and learn about the gifts!
We start September 5th through September 26, at 10:30 a.m. Central Time (11:30 a.m. Eastern Time).
Invite a friend to do this study with you, or make new ones in class!
We can “Zoom” together to learn more about these precious gifts God has given us, and spur each other on to use them and make a difference in this world.
To sign up, click on the Paypal button below. Just $47!
You’ll receive a welcome email with the details, after confirming your subscription.
I’m so excited and can’t wait to see you there!
To return to Beth’s website, go here.