Sometimes God gives us unexpected blessings.
That was a “sound bite” message that Women’s Aglow of South Kansas City, MO President Kay Roe shared today, and that I realized to be true when I saw my Uganda, Africa missionary friend Alma Jones and friend Lynn Erwin in the audience when I spoke today at Aglow. It meant so much to have my friends there for support! 🙂
Today I shared the message, “It’s not too late!” from the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. It’s not too late if you have a prodigal son, daughter, or spouse. It’s not too late for your marriage that is on the verge of destruction. It is not too late for your business to succeed. It’s not too late
for you or your loved one to be healed of that sickness or defect. It’s not too late for that big, impossible dream in your heart to come true.
God has a great plan for your life and your loved ones’ life! (Jeremiah 29:11) He will bring the dream or His promise to pass because He is the one who put it there in your heart.

Speaking of hearts, I love Kay, the President of Aglow, and Rhonda Skivers, who is a powerhouse for God, is also on Aglow’s board, and who invited me to speak there. They both have an enormous heart of God’s love and compassion.
Today’s meeting was opened with a beautiful song by a woman, ‘My Life Is Not My Own,” and the worship leader led us in some sweet worship and praise. God’s presence is so good!
I was blessed to be able to share God’s word and minister today, and meet some new friends.
After I spoke, I was honored to pray for some of the women’s needs. I also gave away a copy of my book Walking With God, a copy of my new ebook The Hands Of A Woman: Everyday Women In Everyday Battles, and my 7-audio Quiet Time devotional set to winners, who were selected randomly in the contest today.
It was so cool how the woman Colleen who won Walking With God (my book on prayer) said, “I love prayer and I love books!” and the woman Myrna who won the gift bag with my new ebook, lotions, candle, herbal tea, and chocolate, squealed, “I love chocolate!” Isn’t it amazing how God orchestrates even the tiniest details like this out of His love for us?

After Aglow, I went with my friend Lynn Erwin to Applebee’s for lunch for some much needed, fun “girls time.” We had a great time catching up with each other, laughing, and munching!
Yes, today had unexpected blessings. God is good. Begin to look for those unexpected blessings in your life today, and thank Him.
Would you like to join Beth and 5 other women for her new fall coaching group class/book study, which will cover Beth’s new ebook? You can live a fulfilled, victorious, joyful life. Learn more by clicking here.
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