I have been under the weather lately. For the past week, our family has been terribly sick with congestion, fever, headaches, sore throats, and coughing. Ray took Leah to the ER this week to test her for strep, but thankfully it was negative. The doctor said her bad cough was viral. (Our granddaughter Violet came to spend the night this past week, coughed all night, and when her mom took her to the doctor the next day, she tested positive for strep and Heather had a sinus infection…but they are better now!) The 2-day prescription the doctor gave Leah, though, didn’t help.
I had another rough night last night, having to sleep sitting UP (from coughing so bad when I lay down), so Leah and I are about to go to the doctor now to see if he can give us something for relief. I have also been using Extra Vitamin C, multi-vitamins, echinacea, plenty of water, and hot herbal teas – and of course, prayer!
Thanks to all my friends praying for me – I love and appreciate you so much! Praying the doctor can help me and Leah today so we begin to feel better and then I can get back into the saddle again!
I promise I will continue with my blogs on my visit to the south soon!
Image: savit keawtavee / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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