Me and my sister Maria last year in Florida
Many friends come and go, and there is no friend closer than Jesus. Among our human friends, though, some of the closest ones we can have are our husbands, our children, and our family members. One of my very best friends is my sister Maria.
There is five years’ difference between Maria and me. When we were younger, we fought like cats over Barbie dolls and Baby Tender dolls. As the years passed, our jealous, selfish rivalries ceased and we grew closer in heart and mind. I moved to the midwest and the phone became our lifeline to each other, sometimes literally for both of us in very dark times when we just needed someone to tell us, “You are loved! You matter! Don’t give up!”
Throughout my adult years, I have written Maria literally hundreds of letters – some of them very long. Yes, the lost art of letter writing instead of emails, IMs, and texting. When I say long, I mean ten to 25 pages long, some hand-written, some typed! Some include my famous “stick cartoons,” depicting stressful events in my life that I would cope with by drawing exaggerated, funny stick cartoons of me, my family, and others. Maria, “bless her heart” as they say in the south, has loyally read every single one of these letters – and laughed a lot over the cartoons with me.
Maria doesn’t write letters. If I am lucky, I get one a year from her. When it comes, it’s a total shock and I prize it like Belgian fine chocolate. I’ve begged her for years to write me, but she doesn’t have time. (She actually has a life!) But she does call. A lot. A whole lot! I write, she phones. We are borderline co-dependent on each other. We talk, we cry, we laugh, we pray for each other.
We don’t always have an answer for each other.We’ve watched as each other has gone through troubled relationships, career transitions, fnancial crises, problems with rebellious kids, identity crises, church transitions, radical hair color and haircut changes, weight gain, and inevitable aging – as well as incredible joys and happiness, achievements of lifelong goals, and great successes. We are always there to cheer each other on to the finish line – and to confront and challenge each other, “What are you doing? Knock it off!”
We don’t always agree with each other. We even get on each other’s nerves sometimes. But we tell each other the truth. We see the best in each other. We believe in each other. We’d fight to the death for each other. And only my sister can really get my warped sense of humor!
We are sisters. But best of all, we are friends. And not just here – but for all of eternity.
My sister Maria. I love her – and I don’t know what I’d do without her!
Do you have such a sister and friend? Who are your best sistahs? Tell them today that you love them and what a difference they make in your life! Some of the best sistahs and friends I’ve met are online!
***Quotes on sisters from
“You can kid the world, but not your sister.” ~ Charlotte Gray
“A sister is a forever friend.” ~ Author unknown
“How do people make it through life without a sister?” ~ Linda Corpening
“It was nice growing up with someone like you – someone to lean on, someone to count on… someone to tell on!” ~Author Unknown
“Sister to sister we’ll always be, A couple of nutts off the family tree.” ~ Author unknown
My sister taught me everything that I needed to know, and she was only in sixth grade at the time.” ~ Linda Sunshine
“In the cookies of life, sisters are the chocolate chips.” ~ Author unknown
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