Christmas will be here soon and we’re anticipating both giving and receiving presents for and from those we love. But what about the One who started Christmas, the one whom this season is all about – Jesus? What gift do we give Him? God could ask for no greater gift than our hearts, our trust and faith in Jesus.
God also delights in us using our spiritual gifts, talents, and skills for His glory. Maybe you feel like you don’t have much of a gift to offer God. But God is the one who created you, wonderfully and fearfully, in your mother’s womb, and put gifts inside of you to use for His kingdom. Discover what they are and begin to use them.
Whatever gifts are inside of you, God wants to use right now. Don’t think it is small and insignificant. Here is a short video of The Little Drummer Boy song, that comes from one of my favorite Christmas movies, The Little Drummer Boy. The little drummer boy felt that he didn’t have very much to give to Jesus – but he could play his drums. Let it inspire you to use your gift for God this coming year. It will be a sweet sound to His ear.
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