“I believe the power to make money is a gift from God.” – John D. Rockefeller
Over the last several months, God has been speaking one word to my heart, prosperity, a word that inspires some women and makes others cringe, because they’ve heard out-of-balance, Biblically-erroneous teachings on it. But God wants His children to prosper in every area of their lives – spiritually, emotionally, health-wise, in their families, in relationships, in personal finances, in business, and in career or ministry.
Money is not bad or wrong. Jesus taught more about money and wealth than any other topic in the Bible, so it’s obviously important to Him. Many of God’s faithful servants were very wealthy. They would be comparable to today’s successful 7-figure-a-year online gurus such as Zig Ziglar (recently passed away), Carrie Wilkerson, and Sandi Krakowski.
God wants you to be so prosperous and successful that you can become a blessing to others. It’s not about buying more toys, but about advancing the gospel and God’s Kingdom! I share about this in my newest book, That You Would Prosper As Your Soul Prospers: Affirmations of God’s Blessings for Christian Women Entrepreneurs. (Details coming soon!)
Success starts with intention. The beginning of a new year is a great time to make not just new year resolutions, but to dream, to plan, to make intentional decisions and choices. From Secrets of 6-Figure Women by Barbara Stanny (pp. 87-88), we read:
“”Was it your goal to make a lot of money?” I asked Ruth, a highly paid computer expert. This was always one of my first questions to interviewees, and I was beginning to notice a pattern in the responses I was getting.
“No, I have to admit, it wasn’t,” she replied. “It was the recognition that motivated me. But somewhere in there was the intention to make good money.”
“You had the intention to make more money?” I asked, belaboring the word that had jumped out at me.
“That’s true,” she replied. “I was thirty years old, a poverty-stricken professional dancer. I was tired of being poor. So I made a decision. I said, “OK Ruth, it’s time to actually make money.”
There it was. The declaration of intention. I’d heard it in virtually every interview I’d done, although cloaked in different words. Each woman would describe that point in her life when she said to herself, “It’s time to make money.” And, in an almost uncanny way, the instant she made that explicit declaration to make money her life took a definite turn.”
What about you? Is it your time? Your turn? Start dreaming, start planning, start making an intention today.
Join me and special guest Cheryl Pullins in the chat room here at 2 pm Central Time on Dec. 28 as Cheryl shares about women entrepreneurs and success God’s way.
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