Last night our daughter Heather had her last zumba class for 2010. We did some zumba to Christmas music, which was a blast! One student, Dawn, did her own choreography, and afterward we had the Christmas party with snacks and games. Here is Dawn doing her moves on stage:

The snacks were yummy ~ hummus and pita bread, apple slices and dip, chips and salsa, cheese nips, pomegranate seeds, a cheeseball with chips, sugar cookies with green colored icing (the kids loved this!), and chocolate-covered strawberries:

Here is the class seated, about to play musical chairs to Christmas music:

The kids loved doing this. See Heather’s daughter Violet (the cutie little redhead) smiling at the camera?

Here are Heather and I in our festive hats. Vote for your favorite, and leave your comment below! I really like Heather’s red Santa hat with the faux leopard fur (it’s different!), but my cute elf hat has jingle bells! 😀 I am also wearing a red “necklace” with jingle bells – it’s actually a Christmas door decoration!

Here are Annabelle and Violet in their cute Santa hats on the playground outside the church youth building, where we have zumba class. They are so adorable.

They had a lot of fun playing with the other kids at the party.

The zumba party was a lot of fun, and classes resume at the end of January 2011. Everyone is very excited about coming back. Heather is praying to be able to get officially zumba certified by then.
There is one party that is bigger and much more fun than we could ever have here on earth. It’s the celebration the angels in heaven have with God when someone is saved and receives Jesus as Savior:
“Or imagine a woman who has ten coins and loses one. Won’t she light a lamp and scour the house, looking in every nook and cranny until she finds it? And when she finds it you can be sure she’ll call her friends and neighbors: ‘Celebrate with me! I found my lost coin!’ Count on it—that’s the kind of party God’s angels throw every time one lost soul turns to God.” ~ Luke 15: 10, The Message Bible
What about you? Do you know Jesus? God wants to throw you a party, too!
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