So far it’s been a great day! I had an awesome coaching session this morning with my coach and we brainstormed about my new fall coaching group/book study using my new ebook, The Hands Of A Woman: Everyday Women In Everyday Battles. I can’t wait to tell you more about it and am making plans for it now. I’ve never done anything like this before and am SO excited!
It will start in September, and will run for 5 weeks, once a week on Tuesday mornings. We’re going to learn new things from each other and will have lots of fun! This month I’ll have a Talkshoe preview call telling you more about it.
You can either sign up for my ezine at the top of the page on the right hand side to hear about what’s coming up soon, or subscribe to my blog posts by RSS (the little orange button at the top of the page) or receive blog posts in your email inbox.
I’m also excited about my Talkshoe show today with Terri Porta at 2:30 p.m. Central Time (3:30 p.m. EDT). Terri is PUMPED about this; it’s going to be so good! She will be talking about God’s love in action, she has a worksheet for you, and we are planning more classes ahead. Terri is a wonderful woman of God, wife and mom, real estate agent, and support group leader. She has 15 years of biblical studies and research behind her, and you will be getting this FREE today! Join us in the chat room here or call in:
Talkshoe Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 98698
PIN: 1# or your Talkshoe PIN
I want to share an excerpt with you from pages 28-29 of the great book Living Simply, by my new friend Joanne Heim.
“I want a rich, full life, one filled with love, joy, family, memories, laughter – don’t you? The stories I love to hear my mother tell are filled with relationships, sights, sounds, smells, morals, lessons learned, and fun. I just can’t imagine looking back on my life someday and telling my grandchildren stories about shopping at the mall, or the day I got everything checked off my to-do list. I think our culture has determined that abundance has to be material stuff, and we have bought into it…The abundant life Jesus talked about has to be in keeping with His character…The things He emphasized as having the greatest value were loving God and loving others…Any life He wants us to have abundantly must involve these things, if we desire to stay true to who He is.”
“2/29/04. (journal entry) I was lying in bed thinking about an abundant life – something Jesus said. He came to give us: life, and that we may have it more abundantly. That’s what I want – that’s the crux of it. I want my marriage with T. to be abundant – filled to overflowing with love. I want to parent that way – to have abundant love, joy, patience, time, fun with and for A. & E.”
“Does abundant/overflowing mean full to the brim with not enough room for more? Or does it mean filled with open space and time everything? I hope it’s the latter. I don’t want my life to be hectic, and pressed, but rather filled with joy and the things that make it worth living. I want God to be abundant in my life, too, for His love, presence, and grace not only to be sufficient but to overflow from my life and into the lives of others.”
Oh, I so agree with you, dear Joanne! (and please keep praying for Joanne, especially for her left arm which is still paralyzed – God has done miracles with her- I am believing for more to come!)
I desire that abundant life in Christ, how about you? And it all starts with God’s love.
Hope to see you today on the call with Terri!
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