Want to know what it takes for God to answer your prayers? Do you desire to live an abundant, prosperous, joyful life through Christ? If you weren’t able to join us for my Talkshoe show with Terri Porta, you missed a great show! She shared on How To Get Your Prayers Answered.
Terri is an award-winning speaker, author, wife, mom of a toddler, business woman, and real estate agent. God’s anointing was on Terri and the women who attended in the chat room during the session laughed, cried, and were inspired.
One of the most powerful things Terri shared was on the qualities of women leaders. Effective leaders lead their own thoughts first. How can you lead others when you’re not taking your own thoughts captive and your thoughts are all over the place? We need to have the mind of Christ by renewing our minds each day with the Word of God and to stop those distractions. Leaders also get results in their own lives first. Powerful and so true!
You can still hear the replay by clicking here at Talkshoe or listen on the player below. I’d love to hear what you think of the show. Just leave your comments below.
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