How has your week been? I’ve been working hard all week for the upcoming webinar and on my new ebook on women and spiritual warfare, that I hope to release by the first of March. But today I wanted to take some time, as I told our daughter Heather, “just to goof off.” Sounds lovely, doesn’t it?
This afternoon Aimee at Living Learning and Loving Simply inspired me with her post An Overnight. Her husband booked her a hotel on Hotwire, to give her some much-needed self-care. I read her blog with growing envy interest.
When God created the world and man, after He was finished, He said everything was very good – and He rested. We should take notes from Him.
We may not be able to go away overnight at a hotel right now like Aimee did, but we can find just a few minutes to pull away and be alone with God – to read a good book – to take a hot soak in the tub – to walk in the beautiful, white, crunchy snow – to talk and laugh with our kids – to just read our favorite blogs in the Google reader – to relax in the quiet and sit on the couch, drinking a good cup of coffee.
Be sure to make time to be refilled and refreshed during your week. You deserve it!
“I find that nonsense, at times, is singularly refreshing.” ~Charles M. de Talleyrand
Want to learn more about pulling away with God for just a few minutes a day? Check out my Kindle ebook Walking With God
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