This is part 3 of my Michigan trip blog series, about the Encounter ministry time. Recently I traveled to Grand Rapids, Michigan to visit my friends Herb and Diane Bishop and for the Encounter ministry weekend. You can read part…
My husband Ray and I have been looking for a new church home for years. I’m excited about the new church that we’ve been attending, Hope City Church of Harrisonville, Missouri. Why? We’re among the 1/3 of people who used…
You’ve probably heard of the Asbury Revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. It’s been going about 11 days strong now. Students were having a regular service in the chapel there and a few lingered after the service. The Spirit…
Recently I created a rose and flower garden, for the first time in my life. I found out quickly that gardening is hot WORK, but I’m very pleased with what I accomplished and love looking at the beautiful flowers from…
This morning I was getting ready for church in my fuchsia colored/black/white dress, with the black shoulder wrap and the butterfly necklace my husband Ray bought me (I love butterflies). Then I realized as I cooked an egg that I was…
There has been an ice storm here in Kansas City, Missouri. Not as bad as the epic Central Plains one in 2002, which left up to over 2 inches of ice over affected areas and knocked out electrical power to…
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