I’ve been having guests on my podcast for my Women in Biz podcast series. Here’s some of the topics they have discussed about the joys and the challenges of being a woman in business/entrepreneur. I have more interviews lined up…
I’m so excited! This week we had new furniture delivered to our house. Other than a daybed, a used corner piece, and an antique Victorian sofa that I’m trying to get rid of now (all which I bought 18 years ago!),…
Congrats to my Ebook giveaway winners! I loved the business ideas of each of the participants for this contest, and spontaneously decided on Friday to just bless all 3 of them with the Ebook, That You Would Prosper as Your Soul Prospers:…
Kelly Thorne Gore’s new book ibloom in Business is one of the best books I’ve read on building a successful business for Christian women entrepreneurs.
You want to grab the audience immediately, and not lose the energy in the room when you begin speaking. This is part 3 of Beth Jones’ SOS Starting Out Speaking for Beginner Speakers Tips.
Have you always dreamed of speaking on stage, but that dream has never become a reality? Do you want to start your own Speaking Business/Ministry, but you don’t know how? Here are International Speaker Beth Jones’ SOS Speaking Tips for…
Africa Amazon Beth Jones Beth Jones international speaker books business children Cinderella coaching destiny dreams earthquake ebooks Faith family finances fitness forgiveness goals God Haiti healing health hope Jesus Jesus Christ Kindle love marriage new year parenting prayer purpose Ray Jones relationships Speaking spiritual gifts spiritual warfare success travel traveling vacation women's conferences Writing writing books