Recently I created a rose and flower garden, for the first time in my life. I found out quickly that gardening is hot WORK, but I’m very pleased with what I accomplished and love looking at the beautiful flowers from…
I saw this picture on Pinterest today, saved it, and posted it on Facebook saying, “Then I must have fodder for lots of stories!” Wreckage. The word sounds dangerously close to “carnage.” Let’s look at the definition of both. Wreckage:…
Yesterday we had a sudden thunderstorm here: heavy rain, loud thunder, and lightning. It stopped as suddenly as it started, and reminded me of the thunderstorms in the south where I grew up. Afterward, everything looked so fresh: the emerald-green…
When Ray and I attended Roger and Laureen Traver‘s Mountain Top Marriage Retreat in Branson, MO, recently, one of the things they encouraged the married couples to do was to renounce spiritual strongholds, to pull strongholds down through the Word of…
This week a friend/business peer asked me what readers’ response has been to my new book, Promises In The Dark: One Woman’s Search for Authentic Love – and if I was okay. I told her the response has varied, and…
Today as I scrolled through my Facebook newsfeed, to my surprise I saw that a speaker friend was on a radio show again. She had just done a show, and now here she was again in the limelight! I don’t…
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