This week is busy. I’m juggling some balls – different events going on. It’s exciting, but tonight I feel tired after working the last two days on various things. Then these words come to mind: “Come to Me, all who…
This is post #13 of a blog series I’m writing including pictures of the recent amazing trip I took with our precious, beautiful daughter Leah. Here are posts: #1, My daughter Leah and I went to Ireland, #2, Ireland: Dreams…
Recently I created a rose and flower garden, for the first time in my life. I found out quickly that gardening is hot WORK, but I’m very pleased with what I accomplished and love looking at the beautiful flowers from…
I don’t know why Labor Day was created, but my life also sometimes feels like labor–the continual, agonizing pains of childbirth: financial challenges marriage problems our grown kids’ struggles disappointments stress upon stress, until I feel like I’m going to…
My husband Ray has been forcing wanting me to get a job outside the home since last year to make a more consistent income so we can get out of debt faster. Last week I was hired for a part-time…
Africa Amazon Beth Jones Beth Jones international speaker books business children Cinderella coaching destiny dreams earthquake ebooks Faith family finances fitness forgiveness goals God Haiti healing health hope Jesus Jesus Christ Kindle love marriage new year parenting prayer purpose Ray Jones relationships Speaking spiritual gifts spiritual warfare success travel traveling vacation women's conferences Writing writing books