This week I’ve been reading the amazing book Hello Mornings: How To Build A Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine by Kat Lee, which you can find at Amazon here. It’s about a simple, three-minute morning routine to help you build a…
On Wednesday, I had a dentist appointment for a crown and a build-up. I hate going to the dentist. Really, who enjoys it? I’m a complete baby, hear me, about pain. If I even get a paper cut, I about…
Have you ever had a “thorn in the flesh”? I have one now. It’s not fun. It’s painful. Today as I was praying about a hard situation that I’m going through right now, God spoke to me in His still,…
Since we moved, I’ve discovered time-saving techniques to make the most productive use of my work day. Here are 5 tips to help you save time and energy: 1. Paper plates. I can’t tell you what this simple, new…
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