Today is Sunday, the day that the American church typically celebrates the Sabbath, the one day of rest which God commanded in Exodus 20:8-11, although Jews observe Shabbat from Friday evening to Saturday evening. I believe what’s most important is…
When you go on social media sites, you’ll read a lot of different strong opinions about wearing a mask vs. not wearing one regarding the Coronavirus —even by Christian believers. This week I watched as a friend on Facebook posted…
This week I’ve been reading the amazing book Hello Mornings: How To Build A Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine by Kat Lee, which you can find at Amazon here. It’s about a simple, three-minute morning routine to help you build a…
Losing motivation? It happens to all of us at times. But there are ways to keep moving forward, which means taking a hard look at your priorities this year. With the 3 P’s–prayer, preparation and planning–you can stay motivated all…
I believe that God gave me my “one word” and Scripture for 2017. I wasn’t looking for it. In fact, I thought about not having a “one word.” I’m not into fads. I don’t want my life hash-tagged. Click To…
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