It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon, and I’m drinking a pumpkin spice cappuccino, thankful for the quiet at home (Ray is at work). My plan today is to finish my Bible study on The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer, the woman…
The U.S. Supreme Court ruling that same sex couples can marry in all 50 states. Children being read the story “I am Jazz” about a transgender child without consulting parents first, in the name of “tolerance and respect.” Bruce Jenner,…
This past week I was in Diane Cunningham‘s Five Day Be Brave Be Seen Challenge on Facebook. Diane encouraged the women to conquer their fears, step out to be brave and courageous, and to become more visible online with their…
Our youngest daughter Leah graduated from our homeschool over two years ago, and she still isn’t sure what she wants to do with her life. I’m like the racehorse Secretariat, rarin’ to go out of the starting gate. As people…
Several years ago Ray and I traveled to Israel, my dream come true. We carried way too much luggage, which hindered us on the trip! Our tour guide Yossi had a hard time fitting the huge suitcases into the trunk…
Today is Day 25 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge. The suggested blog topic is to give your 2 cents on any topic in the news. Ebola is one of the hottest news topics today. Since my husband Ray is a…
Africa Amazon Beth Jones Beth Jones international speaker books business children Cinderella coaching destiny dreams earthquake ebooks Faith family finances fitness forgiveness goals God Haiti healing health hope Jesus Jesus Christ Kindle love marriage new year parenting prayer purpose Ray Jones relationships Speaking spiritual gifts spiritual warfare success travel traveling vacation women's conferences Writing writing books