What are your fun summer plans? What is new in your life right now?
Here’s what is new with me:
- I just finished writing my new ebook, Bahama Mama: When God Uses Ordinary Women For His Extraordinary Purposes. You can see what other women are saying about this great little ebook (for just $5!) by clicking here (the testimonial box). Everyone who buys this ebook will get to join an exclusive online event, my first Spreecast – where you can chat with me and other Bahama Mamas by video. 🙂
- I’m still working on my book, Promises In The Dark: One Woman’s Search for Authentic Love Through Abuse, Abortion, and Adultery, which should be out by fall 2012. If you’re not already signed up on my personal mailing list to be FIRST to hear about its release, sign up today on the right hand side at the top of the page – and get your free G.I.F.T.S. study! Have you been abused as a child, had an abortion, or had an affair – or know someone who has? If so, I’d really like to hear from you. Email me at elizabethdjones@gmail.com or leave your comments below. How did those things affect your life? What were the consequences? How has God turned what Satan meant for evil into good in your life?
- Leah and I are still working on her driving so she can test for her driver’s license. She no longer takes right turns at 90 mph, going into ongoing traffic, and I can breathe again. She’s actually doing very well. Please pray she passes the driver’s test soon!
- Playing catch up! I missed past episodes of Army Wives, and have been trying to catch up watching them this week up to Season 6. Ray was in the navy for over 14 years, and feels that me watching Army Wives is almost treason. He says I should instead watch Navy Wives. You have to understand that in military men’s minds, while the army and the navy are supposed to be on the same team, it is NOT true that, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” The Marines make fun of Army guys, and vice versa. Oo-rah! (The Marine’s battle cry, which really means, “Let’s kick some butt!” The Army uses a similar word, “Hooah!”) I don’t care about this silly competition between the Navy and the Army. I just like the Army Wives show! I’m addicted to it, but NOT nearly as much as I was to Lost. (Still grieve that show is over!)
- I’ve started walking again, training to do another 5K this year. Heather just finished a challenging 5K with hills and is signed up for two more 5K’s this summer. What are you doing to take care of beautiful you? Walking, running, zumba, belly dancing? (Don’t laugh! I have a friend who’s doing it and loves it – it’s great for the abs!)
- Planning more field and road trips with Leah. I’d love to travel all over the U.S. and the world, wouldn’t you? But it’s not always (financially) possible ~ so we might have to settle for the next town. 🙂 It’s so fun to go someplace new, seeing new sites, eating at a new place, experiencing new things, even if it’s a new city. I plan to take Leah to the new Kansas City Sea Aquarium and the new Kansas City Titanic Exhibit soon. Are your eyes and heart wide open for all God has for you? We can get in a rut sometimes doing the same thing, day after day. Today take a step to try something new or go someplace new!
- I’m scheduling new speaking engagements for fall 2012 now. If you are an event planner or know someone who needs a speaker at a women’s conference, retreat, workshop, online event, etc., just drop me an email at elizabethdjones@gmail.com or let me know on my Facebook page.
Whatever you are doing this summer, I pray it’s a fun one. Please leave your comments below to let me hear how you’re doing and your summer plans.
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