Summer is mid-point of the year.
It’s a great time to take a pause and reflect on how your year has gone so far.
- Is it going good, or is this your worst year ever?!
- Are you doing what you love?
- What dreams have come true this year?
- What goals have you achieved?
- What obstacles have you overcome?
- What barriers are now in your way?
- What new step do you need to take to get to the next level?
- What’s missing or broken in your life?
- What would get you closer to your purpose?
- What would make you feel happier? Do you know that God wants His children to be happy, just as we want our children to be happy?
- What new place have you visited?
- What new friends have you made?
- What is something new you have learned?
- What good habits have you made? What bad ones have you eliminated?
- What fears or other hurdles have you overcome?
If everything is going great, I celebrate with you! I want to hear about your summer and would love to hear more in the comments below.
If your life isn’t going so well and you need some guidance to build more confidence, take bolder steps of faith, and push past fears, uncertainties, and limiting beliefs to walk more fully in your God-given, great purpose, be sure to check out my new fall virtual Unveiled: G.I.F.T.S. Process by clicking here.
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