Image: https://www.besthealthmag.ca/best-eats/healthy-eating/healthy-eating-athletes/view-all/
I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, so instead of laying in bed tossing and turning, I got up and did chores. Afterward, I watched Dr. Aikyna D. Finch on Periscope. She is a very anointed, smart, and hilarious lady. One of the things she shared today was, “Stop meditating on the couch cushions and save the people. You have a message to share that others need to hear. How are you changing the world?”
Her scope was so convicting, especially since I was actually sitting on the couch as she said this! I really felt that God was speaking straight through her to my heart. Dr. Finch, who is a university faculty trainer, talked about the excuses we often give for not sharing our message with others.

Yes, God wants you and me to pray, read the Bible, worship, go to church, and all that jazz. But Jesus also commanded His disciples to go into the world and make disciples. (Matthew 28:19)
There is a lost world out there and not a lot of time left before Christ returns. And there is only one you with your specific calling and unique gifts to help others. It’s time to use your gifts and go save the people!
I needed that kick in the but this morning from Dr. Finch. How about you?
Check out my books that I’ve written to help you in using your spiritual gifts at my Amazon Author Page below:
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