The seasons are changing, and you might notice some changes around here, too, at Tablet Of My Heart. For one, I have permanently deleted some old blog posts and podcasts. My husband Ray, who rarely throws anything away (and I do mean that literally and, yes, opposites definitely attract!), mildly PANICKED when I told him this. Did God inspire me to write these posts, he asked. But what if I needed them one day? Well, I thought, they weren’t exactly the holy canon! Really, as I read them in retrospect, they were more like – for lack of a better word – ramblings. (Some of you may be thinking, “You mean sort of like this blog post?”) :O
Besides, sometimes we need to get rid of the old to make room for the new. (Such as last year’s clothes in the closet, so we have an excuse to go shopping!) I certainly wish this was Ray’s philosophy, with all the stuff he’s accumulated over the years. (One person’s treasure is another person’s stress!)
But I digress. You will see that I’ve also created another special report for brand-new subscribers, A Strong Current: Being Who You Were Created To Be. This report will encourage you to discover your life purpose and to pursue your passion(s), so that you can do the things God has called you to do and to be, and to be happy! Like a strong ocean current, I desire to be a strong current of God’s love, mercy, and power.
What about you? Are you fulfilling your destiny in Christ? If not, what is holding you back or stopping you? God has great things in store for you if you will pray, believe, and obey Him!
There will be some other minor changes around here in the weeks ahead, step by step. We need to evaluate our lives, our schedules, our time, even our websites from time to time, with a praying ear, a sharp eye, and to get laser-focused. What needs to be pruned and can go? What can we tweak or improve? How can we change things for the better? What needs to be transformed in our lives to be more like Christ?
What in your life needs changing today? Pray and ask God to show you. I have a small ad on my vision board that encourages me, which you might like, too: “Small changes, big results.”
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