Taco ’bout FUN!!!
Back to School “Book-Writing” Fiesta
Create your book in a weekend!
School is back in session soon. For kids and adults, too!
It’s a great time to apply what we’ve already learned in life and business. And to learn NEW things!
I’d like to invite you to join me for my chips & salsa, taco event. (In person or virtually)
Here’s the details:
What this is about:
- Chips & salsa and a Mexican lunch with one drink is included in the price of the event (appetizers and dessert are not included in your registration price);
- I (Beth Jones) will share a short speaking presentation, to encourage and motivate you to still go for your dreams this year (and have fun while at it!) and in the years to come. You can learn to create your book in a weekend! I’m an international speaker and the author of 25 books, so I’ve learned a thing or two about book-writing (and what NOT to do!). God has so much more in store for you and me;
- Show-casing authors who I’ve coached to write and publish their books;
- A randomly-drawn gift that will bless one special guest (you might be the winner!);
- Make new friends and/or business connections!
Friday, August 5, 2022
12 noon CST – 2:30 p.m. CST
Jose Pepper restaurant (in the more private banquet area)
1100 North E. Avenue
Belton, Missouri 64012
Aspiring writers/authors. Women and men are invited to come to this event. I love little children and pets, but this one is for adults and humans only!
To unwind. To eat good food! To inspire and motivate you. To learn new things. To have fun with others! To encourage you to pursue YOUR big dreams. God is the Dream Giver and the Dream Fulfiller!
I (Beth Jones) am living proof of this!

Destin beach, Florida
Soft, white sand & blue-green, clear water
Last year, I was dreaming of going to the beach/ocean, and for years I dreamed specifically to travel to Destin, Florida. It is the setting for my first fiction book, Storm Tossed (available for sale on Amazon). I sensed that God wanted me to go there for an unknown reason.
To my great shock, my daughter Heather and Heather’s fiance Andy paid for my plane ticket and my hotel room to travel with them and Andy’s two kids to Panama City, Florida for a weekend in August 2021.

Destin, Florida
The next morning after we arrived in Florida, Andy and Heather rented a fun, big, white jeep and drove us all to Destin – my dream come true! It is gorgeous with soft white sand and clear, blue-green water.
While there, God used me to minister to a random stranger with an encouraging word from the Lord. He smiled big and said thank you. I was humbled that God chose me to do this.
God is able to do such miracles! He can make your dreams come true and use you powerfully, too!

My personal invitation to this fiesta
I don’t know how you feel, but while chips and salsa can’t save the day, they sure can make mine better! Come join me and others to refill and refuel for a couple of hours. We will eat good food, laugh, be encouraged and inspired, and leave a little lighter in soul and spirit.
I will be teaching a short session, Back to (Book-Writing) School: Create your book in a weekend, to encourage and inspire you to start (or finish) writing your book or to write a new one!
Your writing dreams can come true! Here below are a few pics from last year’s taco event that I hosted. Since that event, Alma Jones finished writing and published her two Kindle eBooks on Amazon, Elizabeth Zacharias is doing the final edits on her novel that she’s been working on for years, and Missy Hoffman has written more books!

It will be fun! A “lunch and learn.” Just click on the Paypal button below.
If you have any questions, email me at elizabethdjones@gmail.com. Be sure to tell a family member, friend, or biz peer to join the fun!
I will see you there at Jose Pepper! I might even be wearing a sombrero, LOL!
Only $100 $50
This includes my speaking presentation & the price of chips & salsa, your lunch, and a drink!
And you may be the WINNER of the fun gift bag!
OR A COUPLES’ SPECIAL! (Select the 2nd option)
Want to come with your spouse? Save $10 if you come together! Just $40!
You can’t attend the live event at Jose Pepper restaurant? Then join me and other dreamers virtually on Facebook Live that same day on August 5 at 12 noon Central Time (1 p.m. EST).
I know you’ll miss the tacos and I’ll miss you being there in person, but you can STILL participate in this fun, exciting event and hear me share the presentation…for a greatly reduced price!
When you sign up and pay, you’ll be added to my private Facebook group and you can tune into the live stream when I begin speaking at the event.
You’ll be eligible to possibly win the random gift bag attending the livestream. Just click on the Paypal button below.
Only $20! (Select the 3rd option)
I can’t wait! Please tell your family or a friend about this fun, inspiring time!

International Speaker & Author