A friend of mine, Liz Zacharias, gave me a copy of Psalm 23, with notes and edits taken from the NIV Study Bible. I liked how it expanded on the Psalm, which is one of my favorite Bible passages and thought I’d share it with you. I’ve also added in italics my own thoughts.
The Lord is my Shepherd/King; I shall not be in want. (I won’t lack anything and shall prosper according to His riches in glory.)
He makes me lie down in a secure and contented rest (God will give me sweet sleep at night – I won’t have insomnia- and Sabbath rest and peace in the day), in all that makes life to flourish. (thrive, be blessed, prosper)
As a Shepherd, He leads me beside waters which provide me with refreshment and well-being. (God doesn’t want me worried, fearful, discouraged, or stressed out, but filled with joy and peace.)
He revives me and refreshes my spirit. (He gives me living waters that will never run dry. On a bad day, I can come to Him and be filled back up.)
The Shepherd/King guides me in paths that offer safety and well being (in ways that cause my soul to be secure and prosperous) for His Honor. (I don’t have to feel afraid; God is always with me and will watch over me.)
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me. (God has always been there through my darkest, most frightening times. And He will always be there. He will never leave me!)
Your rod of authority and Your staff of support comfort and support me. (And as a believer in Christ, I have that authority and power, also.)
You prepare a banquet before me in the presence of my enemies. (In the Near East, this was evidence of a covenant agreement made between the speaker and the Shepherd/King as He brought him to the King’s table and under the King’s protection. Covenant agreements were often concluded by a meal, symbolizing the bond of friendship.)
You anoint my head with oil. (This was the customary treatment a guest received at a banquet or as they entered the home.) (God’s anointing and His Spirit is upon me to preach the good news to the poor, to set captives free, to give sight to the blind, to give joy for mourning – Isaiah 61.)
My cup overflows. (I am filled and overflowing with the Spirit, the presence, and the power of the Lord God. Everywhere my foot treads, I take possession of the land. Through Jesus’ miracle-working power through and in me, nothing is impossible. The Kingdom advances. The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the dead rise, the lost are saved, the crushed and broken-hearted in spirit are given hope and comfort.)
Surely goodness and love (here they indicate blessings from the covenant agreement) will pursue me all the days of my life. (Amen!)
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord as His guest forever. (I can’t wait to see Your Face, God. Revelation 22:4)
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