My new fall coaching class/book study began Tuesday, September 13, and went great. I am so excited!
You know how when something good happens, you feel high as a mountain, so happy and energized? Well, I feel that way because my first coaching group class/book study has launched. Helping Hands online coaching group/book study is based on my latest ebook The Hands Of A Woman: Everyday Women In Everyday Battles. I’ve never done anything like this online class before, and I’m so excited that three women have joined me!
It’s not easy to find a group where you can be real with each other, even among Christians. You know, sometimes even in the church we’re hesitant to share how things are really going in our lives, afraid of being judged by other people, criticized, and condemned. Yeah, that that does happen sometimes.
Both my husband Ray and I have experienced incredible hurt from other Christians. As Ray says, we are the only army in the world who shoots our own wounded. Dear friend, this is not God’s desire for His Church, His Bride.
He wants us to encourage, strengthen, and build up each other. He wants us to be able to confess our sins and struggles to each other so we can be healed. (James 5:16)
Having a safe place to share our hearts is a rare and priceless gem, and that is why I’m so excited. Our first class went well, with women being open and transparent with each other.
It was important for me to immediately establish that the atmosphere of this class would be one of confidentiality and trust, so that the women would have a safe haven to be real and authentic and open up with each other. One of the reasons I limited the seating in this class is because with a smaller group, it is easier to develop deeper intimacy and trust. It was the right decision.
My desire for this class is that foremost Jesus Christ would be glorified and that we would all begin to see some changes in our lives, being transformed by God’s power and Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross.
Whatever our needs are, big or small, we acknowledge that we can’t accomplish these changes ourselves, but we desperately need God’s help each day…and will humbly ask Him for it.
God will give you that help, too, as you come to Him in prayer. You can fulfill your great purpose through God’s help! He has put dynamite potential inside of you for His glory! You’ve only seen the beginning of what God is wanting to do in your life…He has SO much more in store for you!
Our online group will be meeting each Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. Central Time, covering each of the 10 chapters of the ebook, going over handouts and worksheets, journaling throughout the week, and we now have our own private Facebook group forum for support, goal-setting, prayer requests, and friendship.
The winner of our contest for the Kohl’s $30 gift card is Heather Peterson – congratulations, Heather!
If you missed signing up for the class, there is still time! I am allowing 2 more days for women to to join us, and then I will close all registration for the class. After the 2nd class, you will NOT be able to get in!
Email me at elizabethdjones@gmail.comfor details for late registration. If you don’t have time to attend the live class, you can still receive mp3 recordings of the sessions, plus handouts, worksheets, and weekly encouragement.
Or you can just buy the ebook at this link. Everyone who has read this ebook has said how powerful the stories in it are…women going through some of their toughest battles, but they obtained victory through them through faith in Christ.
I am planning another group coaching class/book study in the spring 2012. To be first to know about that class, be sure to sign up on my personal mailing list at the top of the page on the right hand side.
You receive a free audio, special report, and transcription of the audio when you sign up, and will receive a bi-monthly ezine with an article, helpful tips, videos, and other complimentary gifts.
If you missed my Talkshoe preview call about this coaching group/book study class, you can still listen to the replay here. Just click on the Talkshoe player below or click here. On this call, I share more about the class and also share 10 Tips For a Fufilled Life.
“Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!” (Psalm 126:5, ESV)
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