Kilgali, Rwanda church congregation
My website Tablet of My Heart is for the purpose of encouraging women to seek daily intimacy with Jesus Christ, using their spiritual gifts for God’s glory and fulfilling their destiny in Christ. Its primary theme is intimacy with God – quiet time with Him through prayer, studying His word, and worship – and women fulfilling their great purpose for God’s kingdom.
Occasionally, I also blog about other topics. One of the passions that beats in my own heart are the countries of Israel and Africa. I believe God wants His people to pray for the nations of the earth – our own nation and others that He lays on our hearts.
I have blogged before about pastor Felix, a contact of my husband Ray’s in Africa. Pastor Felix, his wife Alpha, and their beautiful children are like so many families in Africa, who depend continually upon God for daily provision. We who are here in America have so much to be thankful for, not realizing how bad it really is in Third World nations.
Pastor Felix is a full-time pastor who travels throughout Africa to share the good news of Jesus with others. His wife, Alpha, takes care of their children, and she is a part-time pastor at a new church being launched June 27, 2010 by senior pastor Grace, called Amazing Grace Church in Zana estate Kampala.
Pastor Felix also has a fellowship of believers called The Eagles Fellowship International which is growing more with new members every Sunday when they meet. They start at 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., at his Namungoona residence opposite the police Post.
Pastor Felix preaching in Kilgali, Rwanda church
Pastor Felix and his ministry have collected dozens of clothes, shoes, and sacks of beans to give donations in August 2010 to Gulu in northern Uganda, where civil war has claimed many lives and left families displaced. According to pastor Felix, the Lord’s resistance movement rebels have been fighting for over 18 years and engaged the government of Uganda UPDF soldiers in War. Many women and children have been abducted, raped, and have been taken as sex slaves.
The war has moved to the Congo and the Central Republic. Donations still needed for displaced families are sacks of beans, rice, sugar, cooking oils, shoes for children, toys, books, and children’s literature.
In December donations from Pastor Felix’s ministry will be given to southern Sudan, which neighbors Uganda and Kenya. Sudan has been in war for over 22 years. It was only a few years back that peace came to Sudan.
Pastor Alpha and their baby Tabitha
If you feel led by God, you can give donations to pastor Felix at the address at the bottom of the blog post here. Please continue to keep the nation of Africa, and specifically pastor Felix, pastor Alpha, pastor Grace, and their families in prayer.
Kilgali, Rwanda church congregation
Kilgali, Rwanda – African women
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