This past week I received a prayer request from a Christian forum that I am on. Please keep Japan in your prayers!
Posted by: mrsmom910
Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:33 pm (PDT)
This was sent to my sister from a missionary her church supports in Japan. I wanted to share it with all of you
On a personal note: Many of you know one or both of our former exchange students from Japan: Miho and Kaori. I have attempted to contact both of them. Miho responded and is apparently fine (or was four days ago). I have not heard from Kaori. Please pray for these girls and their families.
Please read the letter below and pass it on to anyone who will pray.
In Jesus,
Lynda Coats
Subject: A Time To Pray for Japan
Dear All,
It’s the sixth day after the earthquake and the tsunami that has rocked Japan to her ancient core. The National Police Agency says it has confirmed 3,771 deaths in 12 prefectures and 8,181 people remain unaccounted for in six prefectures. Rescue operations continue in the devastated areas, with 80,000 Self-Defense Forces personnel and police officers mobilized. Thousands of foreigners have been applying for re-entry permits in preparation for evacuation from Japan. Emperor spoke to the nation for the first time yesterday. (This is the first time in the country’s history an emperor has spoken to the public on television.)
Suppose you were allowed the time or the space to word just one prayer for all of Japan right now. How would you pray? This is how John Wright is praying. John is an MK who ministers here in Japan. He is blessed with wonderful heart and a sharp mind. (He’s one of the few people I’ve ever met who can preach and teach with only a Greek New Testament, speaking in Japanese.)
Over the last 24 hours I have had a growing sense of the need to communicate a single priority prayer request for Japan. I would really appreciate it if everyone who receives this message passes it on to their own network of people. We need to unite around this request. Here it is:
Pray that the winds begin to blow eastward and stay low, out of the jet stream–toward the Pacific ocean and away from the land mass of Japan–and continue to blow EAST until the nuclear crisis is over. This is critical. Staying low, and eastward is essential for limiting the damage.
As you know, the four nuclear reactors in Fukushima are all deteriorating, and levels of radioactive emissions are rising. This has the potential to directly affect a large part of the nation, if reactors continue the meltdown process and emissions blow directly over the land. A strong, consistent, prevailing wind to the east would have a profound protective effect on future radioactive emissions. In addition, if the emissions rise to the jet stream, they will be carried as far away as Europe.
In the history of Japan a “divine wind” has played a pivotal role in the survival of the nation several times. Now is the time for Christians to arise, and lay hold of God for a powerful east wind to protect this land, and all the countries that lie to the north, west, and south. The east is the only direction without heavily populated land masses.
As you pray for physical wind, also include the request for the “wind” of the Holy Spirit to blow with great power over this land and create a spiritual revival that will remake Japan from the inside out. That spiritual wind is just as important as the physical wind–these are two aspects of one crucial prayer request for this nation.
Let us all meet at the throne of grace, and agree together for the physical/spiritual wind that will deliver and transform this nation into God’s chosen vessel, prepared to reveal His glory by serving his eternal purpose of making disciples of all the nations, until He comes.
Carlton Walker
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