Life and Leadership Conference

This year I was invited to speak at the Life and Leadership Mid-State PAUMCS Conference in Fulton, MO, what I considered to be a HUGE honor. PAUMCS is the Professional Association of United Methodist Church Secretaries.

Speaker Beth Jones, Leadership Conference, Fulton, MO
Speaker Beth Jones, Leadership Conference, Fulton, MO

My presentation was entitled Empowering Others Through Leading Them. Leadership is an extraordinary call by God. What does it really mean to be a leader? God gave me the acronym LEAD for my presentation:

L – Lay down your life for others.

E – Be a Godly example to others.

A – Walk in God’s authority and anointing and know where your authority comes from.

D – Have a clear direction.

PAUMCS’ mission is to provide church secretaries and other administrative professionals a supportive base for unity and fellowship so as to promote individual growth, professional development, continuing education, and spiritual enrichment. United Methodist Church secretaries provide critical support to congregations across the denomination. Many secretaries are the link that keeps churches functioning well.

Speaker Beth Jones, PAUMSCS Leadership Conference
Speaker Beth Jones, PAUMCS Leadership Conference

I met some wonderful men and women at this conference, including a pastor, where I spoke just prior to leaving for Canada when I spoke at Doreen Penner’s women’s conference. The drive to Fulton was several hours from where I live, and I had so much fun driving through the country after sunrise on big hills on the way there.

Everyone made me feel very welcome. After I spoke, I gave away some gifts, like my book The Hands of a Woman and a beautiful, purple women’s study Bible. I’m thankful for God for this incredible opportunity.

If you’d like to learn more about my Speaking services, just click here. You can email me at or contact me here.