Image Resource: Pinterest.
Yesterday at the small group (home church) that our family attends on Sunday afternoons, we discussed obstacles which might be in our way to our dreams, purpose, and destiny.
What are your obstacles? They could be:
- finances/ debts
- marriage conflicts
- parenting challenges
- health issues
- limiting beliefs/ lies such as fear of rejection, fear of love, fear of success, feelings of worthlessness, sense of failure
- lack of technology knowledge/ training/ education/ job experience
- not having the right tools (curriculum, books, audios, videos, online training, staff, funds, technology, gadget, etc.)
- unsupportive home or work environment
- stress
- depression, anxiety, or other paralyzing emotions
- __________ (fill in the blank with your obstacles)
Sometimes it’s ourselves; you or I are in our own way to fulfilling our dreams and purpose. Our thoughts and our actions are stumbling blocks to seeing those dreams come true!
It’s important to identify your obstacles, and then present them to God to ask for His help to remove them by the power of His word, the blood of Jesus, and His Spirit.
God’s word is like a hammer that smashes any obstacle to pieces.
“Let these false prophets tell their dreams, but let my true messengers faithfully proclaim my every word. There is a difference between straw and grain! Does not my word burn like fire?” says the Lord. “Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock to pieces?” – Jeremiah 23: 28-29
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