Sometimes things don’t always go according to plan:
- Your marriage starts falling apart;
- Your husband’s company is “downsizing” and he gets a phone call that he’s suddenly without a job after 10 years of loyal service and hard work;
- A family member says he no longer believes in God and is now an atheist;
- You find out your spouse is having an affair;
- Your business isn’t doing well, while your best friend’s is taking off like a shooting star;
- A loved one gets sick or dies;
- Your car is making weird noises;
- You’re hit with unexpected financial difficulties;
- A pet is missing;
- You gained weight this week instead of losing;
- Your child needs a major attitude adjustment – constantly;
- YOU need a major attitude adjustment – constantly;
- A friend becomes deeply offended with you over something trivial;
- A disaster like a tornado, hurricane, flood, or earthquake occurs in the middle of the night.
It could be any number of things. What do you do in these situations? Typical responses include stress, worry, anxiety, frustration, anger, discouragement, fear, and disappointment.
The situation might even make you want to give up and quit. Scream. Run away.
One thing we can have confidence in is that nothing takes God by surprise. He’s got it all under control in His capable, strong hands. In fact, the Potter may be using these hard tests and trials in your life to mold you and shape you into a vessel fit for His glory. The Bible says that iron sharpens iron. God may be polishing your rough edges to make you into a vessel for honor.
It’s a Divine set-up. God is preparing you for greatness. If you will endure faithfully these hard circumstances, something incredible is just around the corner for you!
To learn more about being in the Potter’s Hands, join me and my friend Rochelle Valasek at our upcoming webinar on Thursday, February 2, at 2:30 p.m. Central Time (3:30 p.m. Eastern Time). There is no cost to attend, you will receive the replay just for signing up, and you’ll have a chance to win one of the great door prizes! You will learn new things, make new friends in the chat room, and have fun!
Just click here, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the link to save your spot. See you at the webinar soon!
Image Resource: Image: Stuart Miles /
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