Usually about once or twice a year (or more!), I start getting restless and bored with my website and business. It often results in me changing my website theme.
It helps inspire me. If you don’t like your website theme (or you’re getting bored with it), you won’t want to work there!

For summer, I wanted something that feels light and pretty, like fresh flowers.
This new theme has butterflies and has what is called a slider at the top of the Home page, where you can see a slide of pictures. Some of the slides have pictures of my books, and when you click on the graphic, it takes you to the book on Amazon.
It took me awhile to find a theme I liked today. I’ve always loved butterflies. Have you ever seen a butterfly that is stressed out, depressed, or angry? No.
Butterflies are happy and free. I would like to become more like a butterfly, because I often stress out and freak out way too much. Can anyone say meltdown, like a chocolate bar in the sun? (Chocolate sounds good right now, but I digress!) I really want to become a more peaceful woman, who worries less and trusts God more. Free.
A butterfly was the symbol and logo for my women’s Released Conference several years ago.

Our daughter Leah drew a beautiful yellow butterfly and flower for the conference, which I will always treasure. There’s such an anointing on it.

My husband Ray also bought me butterfly souvenirs when he traveled to Haiti on one of his five Haiti mission trips, training security guards and setting up a medical clinic in Port Au Prince after the 2010 earthquake.

For me, butterflies are a symbol of the transformation we go through when we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and his refining work throughout our lives to make us more like Jesus.
How to get around this website:
The navigation for my new website theme is pretty simple and easy. At the top of the page are my main page headings (and they are under the slider as well). Just click on them to go to that page.
You can connect with me on other social media sites by clicking on the social media buttons at the top of the page on the right side.

The opt-in box for you to sign up on my personal mailing list is on the right sidebar, with your name and email address. When you sign up, you’ll receive my free gift, a downloadable PDF–5 Time-Saving Hacks for a More Happy Life.
You can find my newest blog posts by clicking on the “Blog” heading at the top of the page.

for Authentic Love by Beth Jones
At the bottom of the page are my newest blog posts again for easy access, the link to my memoir (Promises In The Dark: One Woman’s Search for Authentic Love), and other places where you can connect with me online.
I’m still tweaking it, but wanted to give you a heads-up of the changes around here. I have to make sure it’s a responsive theme for smart phones and other devices.
What do you think of it? Leave your comments below.
Here’s a beautiful graphic just for me and my website with hearts (another thing I love), flowers, and a butterfly that my friend Eren McKay created for me. I love it!

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