for Authentic Love by Beth Jones
I’m so excited! My new book, Promises In The Dark: One Woman’s Search for Authentic Love, is now available as an Ebook for Nook at Barnes and Noble!
Here’s what my client and friend Stephanie Carter had to say after reading it:
“I just finished Beth Jones’ book, Promises in the Dark.… Let me say, Beth, thank you for your courage to write each and every word. It was very transparent and telling, to say the least. I was greatly inspired to know Jesus and to write my own stories. It is a great book that I believe will bring healing or at least open a door for women needing healing from their secrets and false promises. They will see your transparency and be encouraged to move from the dark to the light of Jesus. Thank you for writing this book. God bless you.”
To get your Ebook right now on Nook, 🙂 just click here.
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