This week has been something and TGIS! Whoo hoo, it’s the weekend, baby! Haha.
ALL WEEK I had techy and website problems. First, I found out that my Genesis Studio Press theme (the green one) wasn’t compatible with the new WordPress updates. I’ve been wanting to change themes anyway for several months now, but I didn’t have time for this because I was preparing to speak on Sophenia Wade’s Love Alive International Blog Talk Radio Show. if you missed the live show, here is the replay link.
I spoke on No Ordinary God, sharing part of my testimony. Who had time to shop for a new theme?
For those who don’t know, a theme is like your website’s “clothing” – its appearance of colors, fonts, graphic images, etc. Just like going to Kohl’s, it takes time to find something you like!
After I googled themes, I installed a new WordPress floral theme that I loved, Fiore. But then I discovered when looking at it on my Iphone that it didn’t look the same as it did on my laptop, and the menu was not working.
When I asked about this (after midnight!) on Facebook, a fellow night owler friend, Bill Bedsaul, said after looking at it that apparently it wasn’t a “responsive” theme. A what? I’d never heard of this before. Learn something new every day ~ and I usually learn it the hard way.
A responsive theme, according to WordPress, “automatically adapts its layout and formatting to suit the screen size and device being used to view it. This means a website using a responsive theme will display nicely and work properly for all desktop browsers, tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices.”
My theme was NOT displaying nicely or working properly on my Iphone or our daughter Leah’s. Back to the drawing board!
Last night laying in bed with Ray, I petulantly said, “I don’t WANT to look for a new theme! I like my Fiore theme!” Ray, who is used to me obsessing over things and talking about them to him non-stop – even when he doesn’t want to listen (especially at 1 a.m. the night before he has to get up at 5:30 a.m. to go to work the next day – sleepily reassured me that I’d find another theme that “was suitable.” When I whined I didn’t want just a suitable one, but one I LOVE, he said he was sure there was “one out there somewhere.”
This morning I found this pretty responsive WordPress theme called Adelle. The name immediately drew me in, because I love the anointed singer Adele. Especially this song. Or Turning Tables Live at The Royal Albert Hall.
The Adelle theme is made by BluChic and I love their logo: The chic theme for women-owned businesses.
You can find the latest blog posts on the right sidebar entitled, Read This Week’s Blog Posts. I’ve been trying to add my blog to the headings at the top on the main menu for easier access for you, but may have to outsource that.
I may have a new header designed later and will be tweaking some things to help make the navigation easier for you. If you have any questions, email me at elizabethdjones@gmail.com.
Of course, the main thing is that this website is dedicated to God’s purposes and that He is pleased with it and that I offer you valuable, helpful content to equip you to use your gifts for God, fulfilling your great purpose and seeing your BIG DREAMS come true!
Meanwhile, what do you think? How does the theme look on your smart phone or Ipad?
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