For now, my blog series on the Canada trip is being put on hold, as well as my two ebooks that I’d planned to finish this month! I plan to continue the Canada trip blog series when I get another laptop. It seems God often is teaching me patience and that HIS timing is different from my own!
I am typing this post on our daughter Leah’s computer and because I don’t want to hold her computer hostage for long periods of time, I won’t be able to blog consistently until I’m able to buy the new laptop. Please don’t feel I am neglecting you or just being a lazy blogger! 🙂 I do hope you understand.
Hope you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving with your loved ones. We celebrated ours early this Sunday. Ray, Heather and Eden all have different work schedules, so we had to find a day where everyone was off work the same day. We combined it with Leah’s 18th birthday. I can’t believe our youngest child is EIGHTEEN!!! After we ate, we went to Cherry Berry yogurt place for her special treat.
As you sit and enjoy the Thanksgiving feast this holiday, remember all of God’s goodness to you…and pray for others’ needs, helping them practically as you can.
I will let you know when I get the new laptop and will post here as I can!
“Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks.” – Thomas Goodwin
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