Today is day 9 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge. Today’s blog post suggestion was to let people in on your life, sharing pictures.
My author/speaker friend IRL (in real life) Anita Andreas, author of Breakthrough: Miraculous Stories of Healing and Hope, recently blessed me at the Cinderella women’s conference with a birthday poem that was humbling and powerful.
She wrote it on a beautiful card with snow-capped, purple mountains, green trees, and a blue and white sky.

I wanted to share it with you today.
“To my dear Beth ~
(from the Lord’s heart to yours)
Oh, how I love
the way you raise
My women up
to see My face…
To look to Me
who shows them who
I made them to be…
how I breathed into them
So they may be FREE in Me!
I thank you, Beth
for you never tire
taking My women
from the mire…
to bless My girls
to see their frills and curls,
their beauty ~ their treasure
My blessings beyond measure
to let them see
who they are in Me
You draw them closer~
closer to Me.
God’s blessings and deep love, sister,
Isn’t that beautiful?
I was so touched that Anita wrote this for me.
Be sure to check out her new book, where she shares about the healing miracles God did in her occupational therapist work with patients.
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