The U.S. Supreme Court ruling that same sex couples can marry in all 50 states.
Children being read the story “I am Jazz” about a transgender child without consulting parents first, in the name of “tolerance and respect.”
Bruce Jenner, a man, saying he’s a woman.
The world saving whales but killing babies.
A potential “deal” with Iran, who wants to blow Israel off the map. Iran wants to do this to Israel, the Jews, the apple of God’s eye, His Beloved, chosen people.

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It’s as if the whole world has gone crazy, in the hands of the Mad Hatter. While the Alice in Wonderland cartoon may be funny, it’s not amusing what’s happening in the real world. It’s terrifying.
Satan is the Mad Hatter. He hates God and he hates God’s people, the Jews and Christians. Satan knows his time is very short and that Jesus is coming soon.
My heart is broken and I fear for our nation, America. I’m especially afraid for our children’s and our grandchildren’s sake. God’s heart is broken for us, too. He weeps over us as Jesus cried over Jerusalem, killing her prophets and Him, their Messiah.
But I lean on and lean into God, trusting Him. I continue to intercede in prayer. God will never leave us or forsake us, and He will remember His covenant with His remnant.
The good news is that despite the world growing increasingly darker and more frightening, God is still in control.
We as Christians can be God’s light shining forth, God-colors in the world, His glory and His treasure inside jars of clay to show His surpassing power.
So no matter what is happening around us, or what is coming, don’t be afraid. Trust God. His promises are true and forever.
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