The email was from Pastors Patrick and Rose Mudenyo to speak at their annual women’s conference. They pastor a church in Bungoma, Kenya, in East Africa called Revival Praise and worship Church. They are registered as a church with the government of Kenya, and they overseer 8 churches within Kakamega and Bungoma Counties.
Pastor Rose gave me the name of a speaker from Australia who stayed with them and spoke at their previous conference, Patricia Bellchambers of Forerunners International Ministry, located on the Gold coast in QLD Australia. I emailed Patricia, who validated their credibility and integrity. She spoke highly of Pastors Patrick and Rose and the people there.
My husband Ray and I also received an invitation by a pastor friend in Uganda to speak at his church while there in Africa.
If I go to speak in Africa, I will be responsible for all expenses as this is a 3rd World Nation, and these pastors do not have the funds to finance our trip. We will need to purchase plane tickets, as well as get our yellow fever shots and visas which are required for Kenya. My tentative dates for flying there are December 3-12, 2013.
The purpose of this missions trip would be for me to share God’s encouraging word with His daughters in Africa to equip the saints and to advance the Kingdom of God, and for possible ministry and business/networking opportunities for Ray and me. And of course we want to see Africa!
After praying about this, I believe God is leading me to do this. Ray and a friend of mine want to go, too. Wouldn’t that be great?!!! I am so excited about this!
I’ve been praying to go to Africa for years. So has Ray. It would be a dream come true.
It will take a financial miracle for us to do this trip but with God nothing is impossible. I have said yes to God if it’s His will that I do this, and am asking Him to provide all we need and above. Ray has requested his vacation time at work, and it was immediately approved, which in itself is rare.
Would you please pray and ask God if He wants you to pray and give a specific amount for financial support? No amount is too small or big.
I do not have a 501c3, not for profit organization, so your donations are not tax-deductible. But your support helps my business and ministry, Refreshing Waters, impact women’s lives globally with the truth and freedom of God’s Word.
You can either donate online by clicking here at GoFundMe! or mail a check or money order, made payable to Beth Jones, at:
P. O. Box 452
Butler, MO 64730.
If you have any questions, email me at
Please be praying for God’s leading, blessings, favor, and protection for me, Ray, and our family as we continue to seek God’s face about this and other amazing missions opportunity in Africa and other nations.
Here is Shelley’s video on Facebook, backing me up!